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Youth Football


There are so many fundraising programs out there, we wanted to make your job easy and give you Two of the Hottest fundraisers for youth football groups! Simply fill out our form below for this free information or get started by clicking the "Start Now" button at the bottom of the page!

Idea for Football Fundraisers

Soak the Coach

Objective: Encourage teamwork and profits by working together!

Instructions: Coaches are so important to the success of a sale. Have the coaches commit to reminding the players about their sales goals at each practice and actively show their support by agreeing to something like the tiered reward program below.
When the players on a team sell 100 items...the coach has to run a lap
When the players sell 200 items... the coach has to do 10 up downs
When the players sell 300 items.. the players get to "soak" the coach with a cooler of water!